DOH to public: Regularly wash hands, hydrate, eat healthy food

MANILA, Philippines — Frequently wash hands, practice proper hygiene, hydrate, eat nutritious food, and wear the appropriate mask.

These are just some of the guidelines set by the Department of Health (DOH) to ensure the public’s protection as it confirmed Thursday the first case of novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV in the Philippines.

20-second handwashing

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said people should make a conscious effort on maintaining personal hygiene “such as washing of the hands for 20 seconds at the palm and the back of the hands and digits.”

But if handwashing is impossible, Duque advised the use of alcohol.

Drink water

The DOH chief also said the new coronavirus, which emerged in the city of Wuhan in China, would be difficult in “low temperature, low humidity or dry atmosphere.” Thus, he urged the public to make sure they are fully hydrated.

“You have to drink a lot of water. Make sure that your throat is moist so that the virus doesn’t attach to it and gets eventually absorbed,” Duque said.

Eat nutritious food

Duque likewise advised citizens to eat food rich in “Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, minerals, and zinc.”

He specifically recommended drinking juices high in Vitamin C, as well as consuming soups and other food with malunggay leaves.

The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development said a cup of malunggay is packed with Calcium, Protein, Vitamin C, and Iron.

Wear surgical mask if needed

Duque further encouraged wearing surgical masks in public especially when a person has “developed coughs, colds, slight fever, and weakness.”

The government confirmed on Thursday afternoon the country’s first case of 2019-nCoV – a 38-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan. The Chinese tourist arrived in the country on January 21 and was admitted to a government hospital on January 25 due to mild cough.

READ: DOH confirms first case of novel coronavirus in PH

“She is currently asymptomatic,” according to DOH, and confined in a hospital in Manila.

DOH said the infected Chinese woman has already traveled to Cebu and Dumaguete prior to confinement.

Edited by KGA