EU gives PH additional P170M in humanitarian aid

MANILA, Philippines — The European Union (EU) has provided the Philippines additional humanitarian funding amounting to €3 million (nearly P170 million) to help individuals affected the recent series of natural calamities and conflicts.

In a news release, EU cited the recent onslaught of Typhoon Tisoy, internationally known as Kammuri, and the series of earthquakes that hit Mindanao.

EU said that the financial aid was intended for “healthcare services, access to clean water and the distribution of emergency shelter materials, hygiene kits and essential household items that were lost in the disasters” to help survivors of Typhoon Tisoy.

Cash grants will also be given to the survivors to help them sustain themselves until they could restart their livelihoods.

Meanwhile, the financial aid for the Mindanaons will be used to improve food security and the replacement of lost livelihoods.

“Aid will also aim to provide better access to sources of potable water, sanitation and proper hygiene practices, as well as healthcare assistance,” EU said.

Janez Lenarčič, the EU commissioner for Crisis Management, lamented the “high” number of people affected by the natural calamities and conflicts.

“We commend the actions of the Philippine government, whose preparedness measures before typhoon Tisoy saved the lives of those residing near the coast and landslide-prone areas,” Lenarčič was quoted in the news release as saying.

“However, the number of people displaced from their homes due to natural disasters and conflict is still high and the EU is ready to help answer their more urgent needs,” the official added.

EU said it has provided more than €124 million (over P7 billion) in humanitarian aid to the Philippines since 1996.
