Ex-principal who banned ’soft porn, homosexual books,’ indicted on 17 child porn-related offenses

school principal

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A former principal in Kentucky, United States was indicted on 11 counts of possession of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor and six counts of promotion of sexual performance by a minor on Nov. 7.

Phillip Todd Wilson, 54 years old, was arrested on Aug. 27 with 30 counts of child pornography-related offenses, as per The Winchester Sun last Monday, Nov. 11.

The former principal was infamous for banning four books at a local high school back in 2009 that allegedly promoted “soft pornography,” the Louisville Courier Journal reported on Aug. 29.

Jo Knowles, one of the authors whose book got banned from the school, took her sentiments on Facebook way back in Aug. 28 when Wilson was arrested.

“The principal of the Kentucky high school who fought to ban my book, [“Lessons from a Dead Girl”] (for “homosexual and other inappropriate content”) along [with books] by Laurie Halse Anderson, Chris Crutcher [and] Neal Schusterman was just arrested on child pornography charges (possession and distribution),” Knowles said.

Knowles said it broke her heart when the teacher who included the book in her class was unfairly criticized. She also cited that back when the book was banned, she was still a new author who was overwhelmed by the media.

The Clark County’s grand jury only indicted Wilson on 17 counts of possession and promotion of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor, The Winchester Sun reported. This is nearly just half of the initial 30 counts he was charged with last August. The offenses are class D felony charges with one to five years of jail sentence upon conviction. Cha Lino/JB


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