Last palindrome week of the century runs from Sept. 10 until 19
September 2019 features 10 consecutive palindrome dates in the m-dd-yy format. stock photo
Today, Sept. 10, marks the first day of the last palindrome week of the century.
Palindrome days are those that when written in a certain format, read the same way forward and backward. September 2019 features 10 consecutive palindrome days in the m-dd-yy format, which are as follows:
- 9-10-19
- 9-11-19
- 9-12-19
- 9-13-19
- 9-14-19
- 9-15-19
- 9-16-19
- 9-17-19
- 9-18-19
- 9-19-19
Since 2011, every year has had 10 consecutive palindrome days. The year 2011 had a palindrome week in January, while 2012 had one in February, and so on until September 2019.
If the date is written In the m-dd-yy format, each century has nine years with 10 consecutive palindrome days, particularly in the second decade of the century. The next century’s palindrome weeks are from 2111 to 2119.
Should a different date format be followed, palindrome dates are more rare. University of Portland electrical engineering professor Aziz S. Inan, via, has identified the first and last palindrome dates in this millennium (Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 3000) for the mm-dd-yyyy format.
The first palindrome day of the millennium was on Oct. 2, 2001 (10-02-2001) and the last will be on Sept. 22, 2290 (09-22-2290). Niña V. Guno/JB
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