Isko Moreno: You want change? Start disciplining yourselves

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Manila Mayor Isko Moreno. Photo by Faye Orellana /

MANILA, Philippines — Manila Mayor Isko Moreno on Tuesday called on the public to stop giving bribes to traffic enforcers.

Moreno said that if people want change in the country’s capital, they should start disciplining themselves.

“Sana makita rin natin sa ating mga sarili na meron din tayong mga pagkakamali, induced bribery, siguro may mga manonood tayong mga lawyers,” Moreno said in a press briefing referring to the traffic enforcer caught receiving a bribe from a motorist.

“Kung gusto talaga natin magsaayos, siguro ang disiplina nagsisimula rin sa atin…wala masama magpaalala, tayo rin bilang mga mamamayan, konting pagkukusa, pagsunod sa disiplina,” he added.

Despite this, he said that the traffic enforcer concerned truly has a fault in the incident.

“Totoo pong may mali ang aming enforcer dahil tumanggap ng pera sa inyo, or what we call the kotong, totoong may pagkakamali siya,” he said.

Shortly after Monday’s flag ceremony, Moreno bared that a CCTV footage caught Manila Traffic And Parking Bureau (MTPB) employee Ricardo Galit allegedly getting a bribe from a motorist.

Moreno then threatened other MTPB personnel that he would fire them all following the incident.

READ: Isko Moreno threatens to sack all MTPB personnel over extorting member

However, hours after, authorities arrested Galit over his illegal activity.

“He will no longer be part of the MTPB. Charges will be filed against him,” Moreno said in a press briefing. /je

READ: MTPB officer linked to alleged extortion arrested