PAL offers free airlift of relief goods to Cagayan de Oro, Dipolog

MANILA, Philippines–Philippine Airlines (PAL) flights to Cagayan de Oro and Dipolog will carry free of charge disaster relief donations from reputable nongovernment organizations (NGOs), private companies and religious groups addressed to their designated recipients in Cagayan de Oro and Dipolog.

PAL Foundation Executive Director Carmen Sarmiento said, “As in past natural disasters, PAL is taking the initiative to bring donations as quick as possible to affected areas. PAL will fly relief goods up to January next year until those af fected by tropical storm Sendong in Cagayan de Oro City and other parts of Mindanao are able to rebuild their lives.”

The Lucio Tan Group kicked off its relief operations by sending bottled water from Asia Brewery, Inc. to CDO via PAL. Its philantrophic arm, the Tan Yan Kee Foundation, is likewise ready to fly in relief goods to disaster areas.

Sarmiento said recipients of donations from nearby cities should send their representatives to the Cagayan de Oro and Dipolog airports to formally accept the goods.

PAL will carry the relief goods as cargo on any of the five daily flights to Cagayan de Oro and five weekly flights to Dipolog using the Airbus A320 and A319 aircraft.

Priority will be given to lightweight and non-bulky essential items such as medicines and foodstuff.

Interested parties may contact  the PAL Foundation by sending an email to