Mall project suspended due to abuse

WORK on a mall project in barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City, was suspended due to “blatant abuse” in its implementation, Mayor Michael Rama said yesterday.

Rama said he personally saw how the contractor, Paravisible Construction Co., used part of the sidewalk as stock area for filling materials that obstructed traffic flow.

“People now walk using the road. I’ve asked them to stop construction of their frontage because it’s creating havoc on traffic,” said Rama.

With the suspension, the mayor said he wanted to make it a policy to require endorsement from the Cebu City Integrated Traffic Operations Management (Citom) before a construction permit is issued especially for projects along major roads.

Rama said Citom will be asked to check if the new construction project doesn’t obstruct traffic flow in the area.

Rama asked Citom office head Rafael Yap to draft an executive order to this effect.

A team led by City Administrator Jose Marie Poblete, officials of the Cebu Contractors Association and personnel from the Department of Engineering and Public Works (DEPW) met yesterday to review the mall project.

If he were to have his way, Rama said he would have the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) join their discussion to give updates on a planned road widening of the nearby N. Bacalso Avenue.

“Until their discussion is complete, they (mall contractor) are not allowed to do anything on their front portion,” said Rama.

The Cebu City mayor inspected the construction site for about 30 minutes yesterday morning before he ordered the suspension of works on the front portion of the mall project.

Rama said he was “uncomfortable” with what he saw.

“I also wanted to check how OBO (Office of the Building Officials) played its role.”

Earlier, Imam Alladin Ubpon of the Al Khaitiah Mosque complained of cracks in their mosque, which he said was caused by the ongoing mall construction project next to it. Chief of Reporters Doris C. Bongcac