Enrile vows to prioritize lower power rates if returned to Senate

Enrile to prioritize lower power rates if elected again to Senate

Former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (center) is surrounded by supporters during a campaign sortie in San Pedro, Laguna. Enrile is seeking a return to the Senate in the May elections. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines — Former Senate President and current senatorial candidate Juan Ponce-Enrile believes that God has given him more time to further serve the Filipino people.

On the campaign trail in San Pedro, Laguna, Enrile said that he is willing to continue his mission for the good of the country. He will be doing this not for himself or for his family, but for the people.

Enrile made these and other remarks in response to questions about his age and fitness that have surfaced since he announced his bid for the May senatorial elections.

“I stand before you, a 95-year old man living here on earth.   As I have come to live this long, I resolve to continue what God may have planned for me. Not for myself, not for my family, not for my friends but for our Mother country. That is the reason why I am still here today,” he said.

As a veteran public servant, Enrile claims extensive experience in the field of politics. For those who may question his contributions, Enrile said that his long service in government should provide enough proof.

However, with the country’s numerous problems, he decided to return and serve the people anew. There is a need for decisiveness in creating laws for the next Philippine generations and the problems they will face.

One of those historic and nagging problems is the country’s precarious energy supply situation.

Just recently Meralco announced rolling brownouts for certain parts of Metro Manila. The situation in the provinces is generally seen as even more serious, with numerous energy cooperatives having trouble in serving their respective areas.

“Electricity is still pricey. Even when we were discussing EPIRA, the promise then was to decrease the fee on electricity, NAPOCOR’s debt would be gone and the Filipino people would live an easy, comfortable life. But this did not happen,” the former Senate President said.

He added, “Presently, electricity prices are higher than ever and there is a scarcity problem as well. The government doesn’t even really control it anymore because it is being handled by the private sector. We do not know what is happening and no one is asking as well. That is why I want to go back and ask why all of these things are happening.”

“Most of you are probably asking, ‘Have you not done enough for the country? Why are you still running?’ For me, I have done enough,” he said. “But the problems of our country just keep mounting. We all need to be enlightened regarding issues and problems that we face now and in the future. This is most especially important for the youth.”

In addition to energy concerns, Enrile said that another issue pushing him to run again are reformation plans of the government.

Based on his studies, federalism will just create more problems for the country, a conclusion which may soon be realized by the government, eventually leading key leaders to cool to the idea. /cbb