Philippine Red Cross on full alert this Holy Week

Photo from Philippine Red Cross

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) will be on full alert during the Holy Week break and will deploy around 2,000 workers and volunteers and 150 ambulances nationwide to promptly respond to emergency cases.

The PRC said first aid stations, welfare desks, emergency vehicles, and ambulances will be positioned in 34 bus terminals, 42 major highways, 54 churches, 13 beach areas and 9 seaports.

“We put up our welfare desks in different strategic places to accommodate the travelers’ inquiries and concerns. These desks will be in operation for the entire Holy Week. Our goal is to make sure our countrymen are safe,” Senator Richard Gordon, PRC chairman and chief executive officer, said in a statement.

PRC chapters will also offer assistance in cases of people with missing persons and will likewise provide referral assistance and psychosocial support.

The PRC also issued 10 road safety reminders:

  1. Use seatbelts / child car seats
  1. Wear a helmet when riding /driving a motorcycle
  1. Drive at a safe speed and distance suitable for the condition
  1. Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  1. Don’t use a mobile phone when driving
  1. Be visible as a pedestrian or cyclist
  1. Know and respect the highway codes / signs
  1. Maintain vehicles in a good condition
  1. Make sure only licensed drivers are at the wheel
  1. Know how to react in case of a crash or emergency

For emergencies and untoward incidents, the PRC may be reached by dialing 143 or 790-23-00./gsg