Girl drowns in Digos river

DIGOS CITY – A 13-year old girl drowned while taking a dip in a river in Sitio San Nicolas, Barangay Tres de Mayo here Sunday morning.

City police director Supt. Deozar Almasa on Monday said Sofia Villaber, 13, perished despite efforts to revive her by rescuers from the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CDRMMC).

Villaber was declared dead on arrival by an attending physician in a Digos hospital, while her companion, John Rhods Tatoy,14,  was last listed in critical condition.

Investigation showed that Villaber, Tatoy and their friends were in the river when they tragedy happened.

Authorities cautioned parents and minors that the said river has a very deep portion that has caused previous cases of drowning.

Last month, two persons drowned in the said river. /gsg