Faces of the News: God

God grabbed the headlines last week when President Rodrigo Duterte called him “stupid,” enraging the Catholic Church and other religious groups as they rallied behind the Creator, while the Palace scampered to do damage control.

The President, in one of his rambling speeches in Davao City, had pondered the Creation story and asked: “Who is this stupid God? You created something perfect and then you think of an event that would destroy the quality of your work.”

The Church — reeling from the recent killings of Catholic priests — and other religious groups protested the President’s attack on God, with some Christian leaders warning that the President was inviting God’s wrath not only on himself but on the nation.

The Palace ended up appointing a four-man committee to talk and try to placate Church leaders in the wake of the President’s stubborn refusal to apologize.

Despite that, God definitely ended up the winner here.