Power outage plunges Balesin into darkness for several hours

    Balesin plunges into darkness


A blackout hit a large portion of the famed resort Balesin Island on Friday.

The power outage happened past 11 a.m. and was restored before midnight.

Before power came back, only the Balesin clubhouse and nearby establishments were not affected by the blackout.

Guests from some posh hotels located at the Pacific Ocean side of the island were transferred  to the clubhouse for temporary billeting.

There was no official word about the cause of the blackout.

But some resort workers said the main electric generators of Balesin’s lone power producer  malfunctioned.

Van drivers who transport visitors from the airport to their hotels said this was the first time the island experienced the nearly island-wide power outage.

Some guests were told by resort staff that troubleshooters were flown in Friday night to fix the glitch./ac