Vatican: Martyred archbishop Oscar Romero, Pope Paul VI to be canonized

Vatican City — The Vatican has announced that Pope Francis will elevate to sainthood martyred Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero alongside Pope Paul VI in a ceremony on Oct. 14.

Pope Francis approved miracles attributed to Romero and Paul VI earlier this year, paving the way to sainthood. The canonization ceremony will coincide with a big Vatican meeting on youth that is meant to energize the church.

Romero was gunned down by right-wing death squads on March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass.

El Salvador’s military dictatorship had vehemently opposed his preaching against the repression of the poor by the army at the start of the country’s 1980-1992 civil war.

Paul is best remembered for having presided over the close of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that reformed the church.