Edgardo J. Angara: ‘One of the best presidents we could have had’

Edgardo J. Angara

Former Senate President Edgardo J. Angara (File photo from Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri on Sunday mourned the death of former Senate President Edgardo “Edong” Angara, saying he was “possibly one of the best Presidents we could have had.”

Zubiri said he was saddened by the death of his “adopted father and mentor.”

“He was one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever worked with and he made the most impact in my career in the Senate,” he said in a statement.

Zubiri recalled the pieces of legislation he had chance to work with Angara like the Renewable Energy law, the Mindanao Development Authority Law, and the National Heritage Act.

“He taught me to focus on the important pieces of legislation that would make the most impact for the country rather than picking fights and taking on controversies,” he said.

“I am honored to have had a chance to have served with such a distinguished Public Servant,” he added.

For Sen. Francis Pangilinan, Angara “was one of the senior legislators we looked up to in the Senate.”

Pangilinan recalled his first encounter with Angara when they served as members of Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines (UP). Angara was then the UP president and Pangilinan was chair of the UP Student Council.

“Little did we know that 15 years later, we would be colleagues in the Senate, pushing for causes we believed would better our country and the lives of our countrymen,” Pangilinan said in a statement.


Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian hailed Angara as a champion and trailblazer of education reform that opened “new learning opportunities for millions of underprivileged Filipinos whose right to education had long been neglected.”

“The legacy of Sen. Ed as a true champion of the people’s right to education will continue to serve as an inspiration for me and like-minded education advocates who endeavor to continue his noble work,” Gatchalian said in a statement.

“His celebrated legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of a grateful nation,” he added. /atm