Najib Razak concedes defeat in Malaysia election
Police stand guard outside National Palace with an image of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, May 10, 2018. Official results from Malaysia’s national election show the opposition alliance led by the country’s former authoritarian ruler Mahathir Mohamad won a majority in parliament, ending the 60-year rule of the National Front. AP
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak, who led the ruling National Front coalition to a historic loss in a national election on Wednesday, has conceded defeat.
At a televised press conference, Najib said: “I and my colleagues accept the verdict of the people.”
He also said the National Front “will honor the principle of democracy in the parliament.”
Opposition parties, led by Malaysia’s former authoritarian leader Mahathir Mohamad, tapped into anger over a corruption scandal and a new tax to end the National Front’s 60-year hold on power.
Because no single party won a majority in the election, Najib said the country’s king will have the responsibility to appoint the next prime minister.
“The national front will respect whatever decision is made by the king,” he said. “I urge all Malaysians to be calm and to trust the king’s wisdom to make the best choice.”
Supporters of Malaysia’s new government have taken to the streets of Kuala Lumpur to celebrate their unexpected election victory.
People stood on roadsides waving the white, blue, and red flag of the opposition alliance that triumphed in the just-concluded national election. Cars honked their horns as they sped past.
“I’m so happy,” said a woman waving the opposition flag. “I hope we’ll have a better Malaysia now. Malaysia reborn!”
Malaysian voters were angered by a corruption scandal at state investment fund 1MDB allegedly involving Najib.
United States investigators said at least $4.5 billion was stolen from the fund by associates of Najib between 2009 and 2014, including $700 million that landed in Najib’s bank account.
Najib, who denies any wrongdoing, clamped down on dissent to survive the scandal.
Mahathir Mohamad. AP File Photo
Mahathir Mohamad, who won the election, said the new Malaysian government will not be seeking revenge on the defeated prime minister, and that he wants rule of law in the country restored.
He also said, however, that those found to have breached the law will be prosecuted.
The 92-year-old was Malaysia’s authoritarian leader for 22 years until 2003. He emerged from retirement and led an alliance of opposition parties after being angered by the corruption scandal. /kga