CHR condemns murder of Catholic priest in Cagayan

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) condemned on Friday the “brutal and brazen” killing of a young Catholic priest in Cagayan, hoping the series of attacks against church workers “is not another form of harassment” against human rights defenders.

The CHR is calling for justice over the death Fr. Mark Ventura, who was gunned down on Sunday by still-unidentified suspects in broad daylight after holding Mass in Gattaran, Cagayan.

“We hope that this series of attacks against church workers who are doing important humanitarian work for the vulnerable sectors is not another form of harassment against human rights defenders,” CHR spokesperson Atty. Jacqueline de Guia said in a statement.

According to reports, Ventura was blessing children and talking to choir members when an unidentified gunman, riding on a motorcycle with a companion, arrived and shot the priest twice.

Ventura is known for his advocacy of indigenous peoples’ rights and his opposition to mining in the province.

His death came four months after the murder of another Catholic priest, 72-year-old Fr. Marcelito Paez in Jaen, Nueva Ecija. He was shot a few hours after helping set free a political detainee.

Recently, Sister Patricia Fox, an Australian missionary who spent 27 years in the country doing humanitarian service for the poor and underprivileged in the country, was ordered to leave the Philippines for alleged “political partisan activity.”

De Guia also called on the government to “end impunity on all fronts and ensure that justice and the rule of law prevail towards upholding the dignity of all.”

“Regardless of faith, political affiliations, and ideology, we are all human beings. We must appeal to our common humanity at all times and demand that all killings and forms of violence that harm our human rights be stopped,” she said.             /muf