PEZA chief, business titan share MAP Man of the Year Honors

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MANILA, Philippines—An iron-willed lady who was instrumental in attracting over P2 trillion in foreign investments into the country, and generating thousands of jobs in industrial sectors nationwide; and a businessman-turned statesman who parlayed a cement manufacturing concern in the 1950s into a world-class conglomerate that now manages social endeavors such as education and low cost housing, were both cited by the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) as its “Man of the Year” for 2011.

Joint honorees Director General Lilia de Lima of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and Mr. Ramon del Rosario, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Philippine Investment Management, Inc. (PHINMA), were feted in ceremonies held at the Philippine Daily Inquirer Wednesday night, where the theme was “MAPing the Culture of Integrity”.

De Lima, MAP’s first woman-awardee, was recognized for her outstanding work at PEZA where she was also the first director-general.

“Atty. De Lima was cited for creating an environment inside PEZA’s Special Economic Zones that has attracted almost P2 trillion in foreign investments, generating job and income opportunities for various sectors,” Inquirer CEO Sandy Prieto Romualdez said.

MAP president, Architect Jun Palafox added that de Lima’s professionalism and ability to transcend politics and resist myriad pressures while effectively serving the country, added to the reasons for her being a shoo-in as “Man of the Year.”

He said De Lima had turned PEZA into a “non-stop shop” that rendered world-class service, 24 hours a day, to foreign investors.
While thanking the MAP and the Inquirer, de Lima said she considered herself lucky for having a job that she enjoys and getting recognized because of it. “I feel like I’m not working at all,” she quipped.

Del Rosario, known as a local business titan for his years of active involvement in nation-building through competitive and well-managed enterprises, was cited for the impact his efforts have had on thousands Filipinos in their quest to attain a better life.

Under Del Rosario’s leadership, PHINMA ventured boldly into education and low-cost housing ventures, from its core business of cement manufacturing. He has also been heavily involved in developmental organizations, including the Makati Business Club.

“Mr. del Rosario has proven that business enterprises could also be socially responsible as part of their overall corporate strategy, “explained Palafox. “ He was chosen as “MAP Man of the Year” mainly for making quality education affordable to many Filipinos, and for involving himself and his businesses in national issues outside business, and for re-shaping national values.”

“Being honored as MAP man of the year is extremely meaningful for me because it is not sought, but conferred by an institution of integrity and reputation,” Del Rosario said.

He also singled out the Inquirer from other newspapers; he said he liked it for its highly principled editorials and opinions.

The “MAP Man of the Year” award is given to individuals in the business and government sector who have attained unquestioned distinction in the practice of management, and for contributing to the country’s progress,” said Inquirer president and CEO Sandy Prieto Romualdez.
“The criteria for the award includes integrity, leadership and management qualities, contribution to nation-building and values formation, effective stewardship within the confines of the highest standards of business ethics and management practice,” added Palafox.