Only 1 firecracker injury on Christmas in Western Visayas, says DOH

ILOILO CITY—The Department of Health in Western Visayas (DOH-6) reported a single firecracker injury as of Christmas Day, a significant drop from compared to previous years.

Dr. May Ann Sta. Lucia, regional coordinator of the DOH’s Violence and Injury Prevention Program, said a 12-year-old boy was treated at the Dr. Catalino G. Nava provincial hospital on Guimaras Island on Dec. 23.

The boy incurred an eye injury due to a firecracker blast.

Last year, six firecracker blast injuries were reported in the region from Dec. 21 to 25. The monitoring will continue until Jan. 5.

No report of stray bullet injury was received during the celebration of Christmas Day, according to the Philippine National Police in Western Visayas.

Sta. Lucia said the drop in the number of firecracker injuries could be attributed to Executive Order No. 28 issued by President Duterte on June 20 this year and the corresponding implementing rules and regulations.

The executive order bans the sale and use of firecrackers in private residences. Only community fireworks display using permitted types of firecrackers and fireworks are allowed in public areas and on certain occasions.

Sta. Lucia reminded New Year’s Day revelers that firecrackers are prohibited in populated areas.

The DOH is campaigning for alternative ways of celebrating New Year especially the use of “torotot (party horns).”

In Iloilo City, Mayor Jose Espinosa III on Dec. 22 issued Executive Order No. 151 limiting the sale of firecrackers and fireworks in two designated areas.

The areas are at the corner of the Circumferential Road 1 and Jocson Street in Arevalo District and the corner of Circumferential Road 1 and Iloilo East Coast-Capiz highway in in Barangay Buhang in Jaro District.

Espinosa has prohibited the selling of firecrackers in public plazas as was done in the past.

The mayor also shelved the holding a community fireworks display organized by the city government which was held during the administration of former mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog.

Espinosa said the holding of such an event was expensive. /je