Tagle: Let’s all come together for Marawi victims

Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle has appealed to the faithful to pray for their Muslim countrymen now struggling to rebuild their lives after the Marawi City siege.

In his Christmas message, the prelate appealed to Filipinos of all religions to come together and do good to one another.

“To our brothers in Marawi, let us pray that after the violence, there will be more unity … That is the meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ in the manger,” Tagle said.

He added: “Our Muslim and Christian brothers, brothers and sisters from other religions, the rich and poor, the schooled and unschooled, let us work together and do good to one another.”

Tagle made the remarks over Church-run Radio Veritas as the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic nation, prepared to celebrate Christmas.

The prelate stressed that Filipinos should not let the birth of Jesus Christ pass by with only holiday cheers, caroling, shopping and merry-making.

“That’s all good, but this year, let us take steps so that those who are far apart may be closer in their hearts, those bickering may make peace, those who hurt each other may learn to forgive,” he said.

For its part, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) urged Filipinos to be thankful for God’s continuing providence and to share so that others could also experience God’s providence.

In its own message, the NCCP highlighted the importance of the family as a “primary example in shaping our society toward the ideal of mutual caring and sharing.”

“A kinder and hospitable society is in the interest of the human family now and in the future. By coming to us through the family, God’s humility and solidarity was manifested in Jesus Christ,” they said.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches called on Filipinos to put their hope and faith in God as they face threats and problems in their day-to-day lives.

“As we face the threats of terrorism, conflicts, political uncertainties, various calamities and economic problems, may this Christmas season lead us back to see the light and put our hope in God,” they said in their own message titled “A Time of Hope and Light.”

They added: “Let us take time to strengthen each other in prayers, reading of God’s word and lighting up each other’s heart through encouraging words and messages of hope.”