Backed by an influx of Chinese tourists, the Department of Tourism (DOT) is optimistic that it will reach its 6.5 million tourist arrival target this year.
According to data provided by the DOT on Tuesday, a total of 810,807 Chinese tourists arrived in the country in the first 10 months of 2017, registering a 39.28% percent increase from last year’s data for the same period.
The DOT said this comprises 14.81 percent of the market share totaling 5,474,310 international arrivals from January to October this year.
Citing the increase in Chinese tourists, DOT Secretary Wanda Teo said they are “optimistic” to hit the target of at least 6.5 million as set by the National Tourism Development Plan for 2017-2022.
The DOT chief added that the department will continue its “aggressive” marketing efforts in wooing more tourists to visit the Philippines.
“The department will continue aggressive marketing efforts, including through social media. We will promote emerging or developing destinations to entice more visitors from across the globe,” Teo said in a statement.
South Koreans remain as the top tourist market of the Philippines with 1,332,141 arrivals, representing 24.33 percent of the total arrivals, according to DOT data.
China came second, followed by the United States with 785,269 arrivals, Japan with 490,857 arrivals and Australia with 206,443 arrivals, according to the DOT.
The DOT also recorded P243.23 billion in tourist revenues this year, a 36.28% increase from last year’s P178 billion earnings.