10-year-old girl refuses to let leukemia distract her from schooling

Nathalie Navarro

Though she has stopped attending school following her diagnosis with acute lymphocytic leukemia two years ago, Nathalie Navarro has continued her studies with the help of her former teacher.

“Her Grade 2 teacher was worried when she was not able to finish the school year so we talked about her tutoring my daughter. Of course, she also needs money so I pay her P150 per hour,” Nancy Mondina, Nathalie’s mother, told the Inquirer.

Nancy said that next school year, her 10-year-old daughter might resume her schooling at Rosario Ocampo Elementary School in Taytay, Rizal province, where she and her partner, Florito Navarro, a tricycle driver, live. The couple have four other children aside from Nathalie who is the youngest.

School officials have suggested that Nathalie take an acceleration test for possible entry into Grade 5 but Nancy doesn’t want to put any pressure on her daughter.

Nathalie is currently undergoing chemotherapy at Philippine Children’s Medical Center. She will undergo the ninth of a 12-cycle session on Dec. 14. Each session costs P13,000, including medicines.

“I am appealing to your kindhearted readers. May you all be an instrument for my daughter’s future. May God bless you more,” said Nancy who can be reached at 0907-5911950. Donations may be deposited in her Landbank account (Nancy Mondina, account number 3116-0656-13).