Unfortunate liberation

The Supreme Court’s issuance of a temporary restraining order on the Department of Justice’s travel ban against former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her husband former first gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo is most unfortunate.

The Arroyos, who already face a string of charges and may face more including electoral sabotage (the Commission on Elections and DOJ just wrapped up their investigation of allegations of poll fraud leveled against GMA and others), already manifested that they will travel as soon as possible to seek medical treatment abroad for a host of ailments.

The constitutionalist Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago has time and again pointed out that a limit on a person’s right to travel would be a violation of his rights.

The current administration and many who have experienced the untruthfulness of GMA, however, were apprehensive of her assurance, even in writing, that she would return after seeking treatment for conditions like a wobbly spine, pardon the pun.

Well, the former president should not be surprised that she now has a hard time convincing people about the truthfulness of her word. It was already shown to be suspect years ago she announced she wasn’t running for president in 2004 and then sought office when campaign period neared.

So many were hoping that the Supreme Court, studded with appointees of the former president, would issue a Solomonic decision that would temper reverence for the right to travel with astuteness in favor of justice due to the high probability that a potential accused in a major case may act contrary to her assurances that she would not stress the long arm of the law.

The erstwhile first couple’s camp have long characterized the current administration’s legitimate search for redress of people’s grievances against GMA and her government as a witch hunt.

The High Court should not be surprised if the Arroyos flee the country for good and the justices go down in history with ignominy for their decision to let them go.