Trump praises PH leadership in closing gender gap in Asia

U.S. President Donald Trump / AP File Photo

DA NANG, Vietnam — President Donald Trump has praised the Philippines for being a regional leader in closing the gender gap.

Trump on Friday said the World Economic Forum has consistently ranked the Philippines at the top of Asian countries in efforts to close the gap between men and women.

“The Philippines has emerged as a proud nation of strong and devout families,” Trump said in his speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) CEO Summit.

“For 11 consecutive years, the World Economic Forum has ranked the Philippines first among Asian countries in closing the gender gap and embracing women leaders in business and in politics,” he added.

President Rodrigo Duterte, however, was not present at the Apec CEO Summit because he was on his way to another meeting.

Mr. Duterte attended the Apec Business Advisory Council meeting and the informal dialogue between Apec and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).