LTFRB sues QC prosecutor’s daughter for robbery

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board

(LTFRB) sued on Tuesday the daughter of a Quezon City deputy prosecutor for robbery and direct assault after she took an enforcer’s cell phone and confronted another for apprehending her “colorum” vehicle.

LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that their enforcer, Mark Anthony Pagaduan, lost his cell phone to lawyer Melody Sampaga after she took it from him at the LTFRB headquarters on East Avenue, Quezon City, on Oct. 19.

According to Pagaduan’s affidavit, he was asked by his fellow LTFRB employee, Ian Buenafe, to videotape Sampaga because she was shouting at him.

Sampaga, however, took his cell phone.

Earlier that day, the LTFRB flagged down four taxis, a car and a van in its operation against colorum vehicles, or those without a valid franchise, near a mall in Mandaluyong City.

The driver of the van, which turned out to be owned by Sampaga, could not present documents to prove it was being used as a shuttle service for a call center company.

According to Buenafe, Sampaga is the daughter of Quezon City Deputy Prosecutor Maria Lelibet Sampaga. —Jovic Yee