Customs Commissioner Isidro Lapeña shows a Chevrolet Camaro, one of the 18 luxury cars seized by the Bureau of Customs at Manila International Container Port last October. —MARIANNE BERMUDEZ
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) recently seized 18 luxury cars worth P107 million at Manila International Container Port (MICP).
Twelve Toyota Land Cruisers, three Range Rovers, two Chevrolet Camaro, and one McLaren – all current models – arrived at the port on different dates between Oct. 13 and 19.
Customs Commissioner Isidro Lapeña said the luxury cars were seized due to undervaluation and failure of its consignee to present the documentary requirement from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), particularly the Authority To Release Imported Goods (Atrig).
No clearance from BIR
The Atrig is an authority issued by the BIR, addressed to the BOC commissioner, that allows the release of imported goods from the custody of the BOC upon payment of rightful duties and taxes, or proof of exemption from payment thereof. It must be issued prior to release from the BOC.
Imported motor vehicles, apart from payment of customs duties are subject to the imposition of excise tax, as provided for by pertinent revenue regulations from the BIR.
According to lawyer Ruby Alameda, MICP district collector, all shipments were processed by customs broker Roy Lasdoce and consigned to Gamma Gray Marketing with office address at Room 501, 5th floor, Champ Building, Bonifacio Drive, Anda Circle, Port Area, Manila.
The vehicles, which came from Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and the United States were examined at the container yard of the International Container Terminal Services Inc. on Oct. 23.
“If we did not alert these shipments, these could have been released from customs custody without the required Atrig and correct valuation. The fact that the importer cannot produce the BIR clearance and declare the correct value of shipments sends a signal that something is questionable with the shipments,” Lapeña said.
Investigation ordered
He also ordered an investigation of the customs broker and consignee’s permit to import luxury cars to determine their liability and possible violation of Revenue Regulations Nos. 2-2016 and 25-2003, and Section 1400 of Republic Act No. 10863, or the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act of 2016.
“This is a blatant disregard of customs rules on importation. I am sure traders know what is required when bringing luxury vehicles into the country. I appeal to all importers not to disregard customs laws or else you will face the consequences of your malpractice,” the BOC chief said.