Binay backs De Lima; VP suspicious about Arroyo’s choice of countries for treatment

MANILA, Philippines—Vice President Jejomar Binay on Monday expressed suspicion on the preference of former President and now Pampanga representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to receive medical treatment in countries with no existing extradition treaty with the Philippines.

Speaking to reporters after the celebration of the National Bureau of Investigation’s 75th anniversary, Binay likewise came to the defense of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, whom the Arroyo camp has asked to resign for allegedly releasing an unverified text message that the former President was seeking political asylum in the Dominican Republic.

“I am just wondering why all the countries she (Arroyo) wants to go to have no extradition treaty with us,” Binay said, adding that he did not believe it is necessary for Arroyo to seek treatment abroad.

Binay said medical experts here would be able to treat the former President.

He likewise defended De Lima against clamor by the Arroyo camp for her to resign.

Binay pointed out that De Lima’s pronouncement that the Arroyos are possibly trying to secure political asylum in the Caribbean nation is a trivial matter. He stressed that De Lima had previously stated she was still confirming the report.