Don’t let this killer get you – cardiovascular disease

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Eat more fruits and vegetables, keep an active lifestyle, and stop smoking.

While these sound fairly basic, these are how one can lower his risk of acquiring a cardiovascular disease, according to cardiologist Professor David Wood, president of the World Heart Federation (WHF).

As the world celebrates the World Heart Day on Friday, Wood urged the public to take care of their lifestyle and raise awareness against cardiovascular disease (CVD), one of the world’s biggest killers.

“We cannot underestimate the global importance of good heart health – 31 percent of all deaths worldwide are from CVD. World Heart Day is our chance to bring people together to tackle the world’s biggest killer and urge more people across the globe to improve their heart health,” Wood said in a statement.

“The power to change is in our hands. Making lifestyle changes such as eating more fruit and vegetables, keeping active and stopping smoking can save millions of lives,” he added.

According to the WHF, CVD is responsible for claiming 17.5 million lives a year, and by 2030 this is expected to rise to 23 million.

Globally, 1 in 10 people aged 30 to 70 die prematurely from CVD, including heart disease and stroke, but 80 percent of these premature deaths could be avoided.

The WHF urged the public to take action this World Heart Day by sharing heart healthy tips and attending iconic illumination events in different parts of the world, including Jet d’Eau in Geneva, Angel del la Reforma in Mexico, and Menara Kuala Lumpur, KL Tower in Malaysia./ac