Movement for Liveable Cebu, Cabrido awarded
Two environmental advocates in Cebu were recognized by peers for their outstanding and continuous work to protect the environment.
Lawyer Ben Cabrido and the Movement for Liveable Cebu (MLC) were given token awards of seedlings of lumboy, a native tree species.
Nov. 10 was the International Day for the Remembrance of Envrionmental Heroes and Martyrs.
Cabrido was recognized for his campaign against illegal mining in Mindanao.
He said plans are underway for a national summit next year for all anti-mining advocates.
“We will educate them with environmental principles and laws and argue with our causes of action and position. The government should preserve the biodiversity and integrity of our environment,” Cabrido said
MLC, formerly called the Stop Cebu Flyovers Movement, was credited for stopping the construction of two flyover projects in the center of Cebu City.
“We want a place for more people and not for cars. We deserve a place that is clean, with clean air. Our campaign is for those who believe. They should continue to speak up. Our challenge for them is to speak up and claim what is right,” said MLC convenor Joel Lee.
Lawyer Gloria Ramos said some parties consider it a “miracle” that the Department of Public Works and Highways suspended the flyover projects.
Cebu environmetal advocates also honored 29 environmental martyrs or those who were killed trying to stop the destruction of the environment brought by mining, oil and gas extractions.
The list includes Dr. Gerry Ortega of Palawan and Fr. Fausto Tentorio.
No Cebuanos were in the list but lawyer Golly Estenzo Ramos, Philippine Earth Justice Center Inc., mentioned Jojo dela Victoria, a Bantay Dagat crusader who was shot dead in his home in Talisay City, Cebu, in April 12, 2006.
Dela Victoria actively led raids against illegal fishers before he was killed.
Road Revolution advocate Vince Cinches said that they have a “new move” to name one of the islands in northern Cebu under Jojo Dela Victoria.
“He was a martyr. He headed the market denial in black fishing. . . His advocacy represents geographical formation of how important water is. He had a big contribution in the island community to convert it as an ‘island for the people,’” Cinches said.
The Cebu environmentalists include the Road Revolution Network and Freedom from Debt Coalition.