MMDA emergency teams readied for typhoon ‘Chedeng’

MANILA, Philippines—The Road Emergency Group of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority said it was prepared with its equipment, rubber boats and officers for typhoon ‘Chedeng’ (international name: Songda).

According to Road Emergency Group head Edward Gonzales, they have organized their officers to respond to emergencies that may arise during the typhoon, which would bring rains to the metropolitan region.

“We are prepared to act in cases of flooding in Metro Manila. We have chainsaws in case trees are uprooted and rubber boats in case of floods,” said Gonzales. “We are ready to cut fallen trees (if there are any) during the typhoon.”

Gonzales explained that they were still on standby but would be prepared to act once directions from the MMDA Metrobase were sent. “As of now we are on standby. (In terms of) alert levels, this would be alert level 1; with alert level 2 we will be pre-positioning our equipment and alert level 3 would be our operations during the typhoon.”

“We will have ambulances and paramedics on standby as well, just in case anyone gets hurt during the typhoon,” Gonzales added.

Gonzales said his men, numbering 150, are deployed into two 12-hour shifts. “Seventy-five Road Emergency Group personnel man each shift,” he stated.

The Road Emergency Group head said that they take their cue from the MMDA Metrobase, which monitors the state-run weather bureau Pagasa.