Australian passenger’s check-in luggage is lone can of beer
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It seems one airplane passenger has mastered the art of packing light: he checked in a single can of beer as his luggage on a flight to Perth.
Identified only as an Australian named Dean, the man told the United Kingdom news site Unilad that the plan was hatched over—what else—ice cold beer.
His friend, who works at an airport, was the one who suggested it: “He and I were wondering what I could check as luggage and get away with.”
He added, “Honestly the thought of a single can of export making its way down the baggage carousel was too good to pass up so I thought I’d give it a whirl.”
Unlike other passengers who had to wait for their luggage that looks like everyone else’s, he had an easy time finding his. “There was no luggage out yet but everyone was milling around and had their phones out so I was pretty sure I knew what was going on.”
It’s a good thing that airplane personnel took care of it: “If it didn’t turn up I’d have filed a lost luggage report,” he quipped.
He also hasn’t drank the can just yet, the report stated, “That was a strong consideration but I’m saving it to crack when it’s cold and I’m with the boys.” Niña V. Guno/JB
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