ER patient charged with stabbing nurse at hospital

SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. — Officials said a nurse was stabbed by an emergency room patient at a Massachusetts hospital and suffered serious injuries.

Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early Jr. said 24-year-old Conor O’Regan attacked the nurse at Harrington Hospital on Wednesday morning.

Hospital officials said O’Regan had been through the registration process and was being directed for care.

Early said O’Regan fled after the stabbing. Southbridge police apprehended him off-campus.

Authorities said the nurse was airlifted to UMass Medical Center where she’s in critical but stable condition.

Authorities said O’Regan was charged with assault with intent to murder and aggravated assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The suspect would be arraigned Thursday in Central District Court in Worcester. It couldn’t be determined Wednesday if he has been assigned a public defender./rga