Beware of dirty ‘halo-halo’ this summer—DOH

Summer coolers like halo-halo, mais con yelo and sago’t gulaman may be tempting treats in the sweltering summer heat, but health experts warn that ice rife with bad bacteria may cause food poisoning or, worse, death.

“Make sure that you observe proper handling of food. For summer coolers, make sure that the source of water you use to make ice is also clean,” said Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial.

According to Ubial, these iced snacks and desserts could contain harmful bacteria if they are improperly prepared.

“We may get various food and waterborne diseases by using or consuming unhygienic ice. Unhygienic ice is a breeding ground for bacteria such as amoeba, salmonella, E. coli and may cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach upset,” Ubial said.—TINA G. SANTOS