Transport group withdraws call for 3-day nationwide strike

Following their dialogue with the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), a transport coalition is backing down on its earlier threat of holding a three-day nationwide strike saying that any opposition to the government’s jeepney modernization program at this time would be “premature.”

Jun Magno, president of the Samahan ng Tsuper at Operator ng Pilipinas Genuine Organization (Stop & Go) Transport Coalition, said on Monday that they would no longer push through with their surprise strike until the guidelines for the jeepney modernization program has been released by the LTFRB and the Department of Transportation (DOTr).

He maintained though that should they find the guidelines unfair to drivers, they would not hesitate to go back to the streets to air their concerns.

“For now, the relationship of the DOTr with Stop & Go is okay. Our group is willing to work with the department for the improvement of the transport sector,” Magno told reporters yesterday.

Earlier, Magno warned that they would hold a three-day surprise transport holiday after he alleged that they have yet to get a positive response from the government despite their two strikes in February.

He then said that they will be railing against the modernization program that would replace diesel-run jeepneys with electric-powered models, since this supposedly meant that hundreds of drivers would lose their means of livelihood.

Magno, however, changed tune after he met with transport officials last Friday, which was arranged by Metropolitan Manila Development Authority officer in charge and general manager Tim Orbos.

“It would be premature if we would do actions to oppose [the program],” he said.

The LTFRB had said that jeepney drivers who would join strikes may have their franchise to operate suspended or revoked. While no driver has been meted out with the penalty yet, cases involving two batches of drivers have already been submitted for resolution.

It added that a case against Magno was also being readied for his organizing of the strikes, despite him not having any jeepney franchise.