A Senate bill is seeking to expand fare discount for students even during vacation from school, weekends, and holidays.
Senate Bill 945, introduced by Sen. Juan Edgardo “Sonny” Angara, aims to institutionalize the grant of student fare discounts in land, water, air and rail transport utilities to “lessen the impact of the current economic difficulties and assist students and their parents or guardians in shouldering the transportation expenses relative to the rising cost of education in our country.”
Under the proposed measure, a 20 percent discount on regular fares will be granted to students upon presentation of their identification cards or validated enrollment forms.
“Said fare discount shall be available during the entire school year for elementary and secondary students, during the semester for college students, and during the duration of a course for vocational or technical students, including Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas vacations and other holidays during a school year or a school semester,” the bill read.
Angara said the discount expansion would enable and encourage students to do research and group studies even during weekends and school breaks.
“This will also benefit certain students, like medical interns and those undergoing military trainings and specialized studies, who are required to report during such days and periods. Moreover, students who are travelling abroad for education, training, and competition are exempted from payment of travel tax and airport terminal fee,” Angara said.
Under the bill, Filipino students who will travel abroad for “education, training, and competition” would also be exempted from the payment of travel tax and airport fee upon showing of proof or documentation.
The proposed expanded discount covers bonafide students enrolled in elementary, secondary, or tertiary institutions including vocational and technical schools, but excluding culinary arts and short-term seminar type courses. CBB/rga