Girl with leukemia needs help

Marielle Mae Estoy is a 14-year-old girl suffering from leukemia since 2002. She had a relapse twice, the last of which was a CNS relapse last January.

Marielle is currently undergoing intensive chemothe-rapy and radiation therapy at the Phil-ippine Children’s Medical Center. The family completely relies on Marielle’s father who works as a construction worker.

She is an honor student and scholar and is hoping for a possible cure despite multiple relapses. She has a strong faith that God will heal her one day and thus fulfill her dream of a college degree.

Merielle is knocking at heart of benefactors for any financial and/or medical assistance. Donations may be channeled to KIDS Foundation at 532-6907, 0926-6959076 (Fe Gutierrez), 9246601 local 344 (special assistance of PCMC, Beth Jayobo), or Marielle’s mother Meriam Estoy at 09063320162. Deposits can be made to Marielle’s father Mandy Gilbert Estoy’s Banco de Oro bank account 6018539058737952.