Lenten pilgrimage set

Pilgrims of Green Faith Travels will pray and reflect at the National Shrine of Saint Padre Pio in Santo Tomas, Nuestra Señora de la Soledad in Tanuan City, Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Sebastian or the Lipa Cathedral, and four other churches in Lipa City in Batangas on Saturday, March 18, for its annual Visita Iglesia, the fifth Lenten Pilgrimage of Faith and Heritage. Devotees of Saint Padre Pio and the Blessed Mother will also pray at the Carmelite Monastery and the parishes of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace in Barangay Antipolo del Norte, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in Barangay Talisay and Sto. Niño in Barangay Marawoy. The daylong pilgrimage ends with a visit to Marian Orchard and its Sacred Heart chapel in Balete, Batangas. The pilgrimage fee of P2,500 per person covers round-trip transport (on a tourist bus), breakfast at Batangueña restaurant, buffet lunch at Lima Park Hotel, morning and afternoon snacks, pilgrim’s kit and church donations. Payment deadline is on Wednesday, March 1. A 20-percent discount is given to one pilgrim for groups of five pilgrims. Interested pilgrims may inquire with Bro. Edwin Galvez at 0926-6152596 or greenfaithtravels@gmail.com and greenfaithtravels@yahoo.com, or visit www.facebook.com/greenfaithtravels for details.