The media quintet: Across the platforms

media quintet

Given the changing media landscape and the evolution of the platform offerings of the Inquirer, one thing remains the same–its mission to provide the readers with a unique reader experience that can be translated and come alive. Always on

As the internet continues to break barriers in the media industry, cements its place on the front line of change in the digital space with journalistic and technological innovations expected of cutting-edge, 21st-century media organizations.

The website’s latest form has been optimized with our audience in mind. Guided by the principles of good design and user experience, its modular layout has gone bigger on the visuals but lighter on the page load. All pages are now responsive to fit the biggest of desktop screens to the smallest of smartphones.

Audiences have been given more avenues on the site to connect and communicate more closely with us and with each other. Pioneering efforts to connect with our audience on the ground is the Inquirer Volunteer Corps, a partnership with schools, communities, and organizations to empower students and citizens to create, publish and tell their own stories. The IVC has currently partnered with over 250 students from seven schools.

Still, at the core of the redesign remains the steadfast, fearless journalism the Inquirer has proudly championed since its inception in 1985 and its online expansion in 1997. The homepage is more curated than ever, featuring a mix of breaking views and top-notch video reports and photo stories.

Opinions from the country’s leading columnists and up-and-coming bloggers share a space under Fearless Views.

Each channel has been strengthened with banner stories and more interactive features specific to the section’s needs. Multimedia, multiplatform special reports are set to take center stage.

In its 19 years live, never has been as committed to setting the nation’s agenda and engaging its audience, the millions of users who visit monthly and the million others connected on our various social media platforms. Always On. Online, on the frontline. On the Web, on the ground. On social, on the beat.

Inquirer Plus: Beyond the printed edition

Our tablet edition, Inquirer Plus, is about leaning back and taking the time to see the context behind the day’s updates. Inquirer Plus combines the great visual canvas of our print edition with the interactivity of our website on a device tailor-made for consuming content (just as PCs, laptops and smartphones are great devices for creating content).

You not only get all the pages of our print edition, you also get tablet-only pages that extend and expound on what our print edition offers (hence the “Plus” in the name).

Moreover, in addition to the Inquirer, you also get access to our local sister titles and selected partner papers in the Asia News Network—all delivered fresh each morning to your tablet in time for breakfast.

Inquirer Plus access is part of an Inquirer print subscription. E-mail subscription@inquirer. for details, or call +632 8966000 or sign up at

Inquirer Mobile: Perfectly personal

The smartphone is the most personal device you own. It’s the first thing you look at in the morning and the last one you see at night. It’s your diary, calendar, photo album and now, your “newspaper.”

The new Inquirer Mobile app was designed for the way you use your smartphones.

We focused on delivering the latest breaking news because that’s what smartphones are best at: bursts of info that you can quickly read while in line, waiting for a meeting to start or your coffee to arrive.

In those situations you may not always have good cellular signal so we use caching technology to load the latest stories while you’re connected. No more waiting for a mobile web page to load. You may also be interrupted at any time that’s why we added a bookmark feature so you can quickly go back to a story and spend more time reading and less time scrolling.

Finally, your smartphone is also your camera. You snap photos all the time. Why not snap a photo of something happening in your neighborhood that you feel we should know about? Discreetly send us a photo and news tip using the app’s My Story feature. Useful if you’d rather not get trolled on social media but do feel something should be done. The same My Story feature is also a handy QR code reader that you can use to get additional content from our print edition.

Get the Inquirer Mobile app for iOS and Android

Inquirer on your smartwatch: Intimate info

If the tablet is the most leisurely of devices and smartphones the most personal, smartwatches are the most intimate.

This is a device that is on your skin most of the day and taps you on the wrist to get your attention. If you need to know now, that’s what the smartwatch is for. Our smartwatch alerts aren’t trivial. They are important, and, more importantly, urgent—important enough to prompt you to stop what you’re doing and pay attention.

They’re also concise. If the media quintet were arranged along a spectrum of length, smartwatches would be on the extreme left (just as print and tablets right after them, will be on the far right). They contain enough information for you to grasp the import of what just happened but they are notifications, not complete stories in themselves. They’re a prompt to open our Inquirer Mobile app for updates as they unfold.

Part your smartwatch with the Inquirer Mobile app!

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