DOH chief: 55 injured in Davao blast still hospitalized

Health Secretary Pauline Ubial said 55 victims of the Friday night blast in Davao City remain hospitalized.

There were a total of 84 victims in the blast, and 14 of them have died. Many of those affected suffered shrapnel injuries, said Ubial.

Of the injured, 55 are in confinement, she said.

“We’re hoping that the 55 that are now hospitalized will actually survive,” she said in a press briefing in Malacañang.

Twenty-eight of the patients are in the government-run Southern Philippines Medical Center. Doctors there have given the assurance that they have adequate blood supply and human resources to care for the injured.

The explosion that hit the President’s hometown took place at the popular Roxas night market on Friday. JE/rga



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