Rody orders troops to ‘destroy’ Abus after beheading of hostage

AMID reports that the Abu Sayyaf Group had beheaded an 18-year-old hostage, President Duterte said he had given orders to eliminate the organization.

“That’s why I’m sending the troops there and tell them to destroy them,” Mr. Duterte said in a press briefing in Davao City, when asked about the beheading.

“My orders to the police and to the armed forces against all enemies of the state, seek them out in their lairs, whatever, and destroy them,” he added.

The same goes for both illegal drugs and the Abu Sayyaf Group, he said.

According to him, he would be “harsh” in going after the  group.

“So killed or what, don’t ask about human rights,” he said.

Reports said the Abu Sayyaf called the family of the 18-year-old hostage to inform them about the beheading earlier Wednesday.

The group had demanded a P1 million ransom, which the family could not afford.