Reds want more comrades freed for talks

A Manila trial court judge is expected to decide today (Thursday) whether or not some detained communist leaders will be allowed temporary liberty to attend peace talks in Norway on Aug. 20.

The government initially asked the Supreme Court to grant temporary liberty to 10 detainees so they could participate in the resumption of peace negotiations. But the high court junked the petition, saying it was the trial court that had jurisdiction over such things.

Communist leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, among others, have therefore filed new motions for bail or temporary liberty with Manila’s Branch 32 Judge Thelma Bunyi.

Vicente Ladlad and Randall Echanis, two of the NDP consultants who have already been allowed to attend the resumption of peace negotiations between the government and the communist National Democratic Front expressed hope his other companions would be released temporarily in time for the talks.

“We hope all the 22 [detained National Democratic Front] consultants will be allowed to attend the peace negotiations…,” Ladlad said.