Man stabbed, shot in Cebu City melee

A 23-YEAR-OLD man was wounded after trouble broke out between two groups of neighbors in barangay Apas, Cebu City, last Wednesday night.

Junnel Belena, 23, was shot in the face. He also sustained a stab wound in the back

Belena’s cousins Jaime James Banac and Christian Banac were unhurt.

Belena’s alleged attackers were identified as Winston Florida and Barry Ocoy.

Responding police arrested Florida while Ocoy escaped.

Police said Jaime was walking home when he passed by Florida’s group having a drinking session.

Police said Jaime and Florida figured in an argument over an old grudge, which stemmed from a basketball game.

Jaime later left but returned later accompanied by Junnel and Christian.

A scuffle ensued between the two groups.

When the smoke cleared, Belena was found wounded.

Paramedics from the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation brought Belena to the Cebu Doctors’ Hospital. CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON