Bato gatecrashes Sona rally, tells militants: We won’t hurt you

'Bato' to militants at Sona rally: We won’t hurt you

Philippine National Police chief Director General Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Monday gatecrashed a militant rally to thank and remind them that the cops are there to protect them and not to hurt them.

An unlikely sight during rallies, Dela Rosa surprised the crowd, bearing banners containing words “end contractualization,” when he joined leftist leaders on stage.

After inspecting the troops lined along Batasan Road, Dela Rosa came up the stage and told the protesters: “Ako ay nandito sa harap niyo para ipaalam sa inyo na kami po ay masaya sa inyong ginagawa. Nagpapasalamat kami.”

“Andito kami para kayo ay aming protektahan. Andito kami para hindi kayo saktan,” he said, drawing cheers and applause from the crowd.

(I am here before you to let you know that we are happy with what you are doing. We thank you.

We are here to protect you. We are not here to harm you.)

READ: 25K police on alert but authorities expect peaceful Sona rally

But Dela Rosa asked cooperation from the militants.

“Matatapos itong Sona na peaceful tayo. ‘Wag niyong isipin ‘yung pulis walang problema ‘yan

Hindi ‘yan problema,” he said.

(The Sona will end peacefully. Don’t mind the police, there’s no problem with that.)

Hundreds of rallyists from left-leaning groups converged along Batasan Road in Quezon City less than 500 meters away from the House of Representatives where President Rodrigo Duterte will deliver his first State of the Nation Address.

It was only under the administration of Duterte, a known friend of the Left, that policemen did not block protesters from reaching Batasan road. CDG

READ:  Groups from Southern Tagalog jumpstart Sona rally in Batasan

Quezon City Dept. of Public Order and Safety personnel prepare to deploy at Commonwealth Ave. prior to President Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address. MONTEGRANDE