On Jose Ma. Sison’s return: “Yes, he is welcome. I am happy with the statement that he is coming home. I would very much want to talk to him about resolving the insurgency problem.”

On the NPA: “I do not begrudge the NPA in looking for firearms. But when I reach my oath-taking… they must realize I am the government and I am the enemy but I offer my hand in peace and we can talk.”

On hanging: “After the first hanging, there will be another ceremony for the second time until the head is completely severed from the body.”

On the plan to sell the presidential yacht, BRP ng Pangulo: “When people are hungry and jobless… it would be an obscene thing to have the luxury vessel lying unused.”

On policemen: “Those with cases, get out.”

On taxi drivers who keep the change: “You should know that if you take the money of a person because you do not have change and you do not return it, that is estafa.” Reports from AFP, AP, Inquirer.Net