Cayetano warns of multi-million peso anti-Duterte TV ads

Vice Presidential candidate Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO / GRIG C. MONTEGRANDE

Vice Presidential candidate Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO / GRIG C. MONTEGRANDE

Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano on Thursday warned the public regarding the possible airing of multi-million peso worth of negative advertisements against his partner and leading presidential candidate Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.

Citing an undisclosed source, Cayetano cautioned the public against anti-Duterte television advertisements on ABS-CBN on Friday or three days before the elections.

The advertisements, he said, would try to tarnish the reputation of Duterte.

Cayetano said his source claimed that the deal was rejected by other TV networks, but ABS-CBN’s ethics committee allegedly “blindly approved” the offer.

“The mayor’s rivals are obviously afraid, and so they are resorting to these cheap stunts to try and bring his image down,” the senator said.

“They are so desperate that, aside from the full barrage of trimedia attacks against Mayor Duterte, they are now trying to push for millions in advertisements in major networks in the last few days of the campaign,” he added. sought ABS-CBN for comment but the network has not responded as of posting time. RC