Vigilante father chops off hands of infant daughter’s alleged rapist

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SCREENGRAB from @ANI_news Twitter page

An Indian partriach has been charged with attempted murder after gruesomely slicing both hands of a man accused of molesting his infant daughter.

The Washington Post report said that an unnamed 17-year-old was put to trial after getting caught fornicating the 7-month-old baby daughter of Parminder Singh.

The supposed April 19 court hearing, meanwhile, was postponed by the Rama Mandi district courts in Punjab, India, for unknown reasons, which authorities believe caused the vengeful father to take matters into his own hands.

Singh reportedly approached the suspect last week about the possibility of a settlement, while also offering to give the lad a ride to town on the back of his motorbike.

What seemed like a simple act of contrition, however, turned into a horrifying display of vendetta, as Singh allegedly stopped the vehicle and aggressively attacked the teenager.

He then proceeded to to tie the victim to a nearby tree, which he capped off by mercilessly chopping away at the boy’s hands just below the wrist.

“[Singh] took him near a dried up canal, beat him up badly and then tied him to a tree and finally hacked his hands off,” confirmed senior Bathinda police officer Swapan Sharma. “There is nothing below the wrists now.”

Citing multiple reports, Singh left the boy for dead until nearby villagers heard his desperate screams of writhing pain and came to his aid.

“Locals alerted police and we rushed to the spot. We picked him up, his hands, and took him to the hospital,” added Sharma.

Meantime, Singh has reportedly gone rogue since the incident, and officials are still searching for him as of this story’s writing. Khristian Ibarrola,