Boy with leukemia determined to finish school

THERE are days when Julius Andrei Garcia, who was diagnosed with leukemia when he was just 4 years old, would defy doctors’ orders by eating some of the food on his “don’t eat” list.

“When I tell him to stop eating junk food, he would tell me: ‘Mama, look, I am no longer sick.’ He would even stop wearing a mask. Deep inside, I know he just wants to live a normal life but I want him to get well,” said Susana Garcia of her only child who is now 14 years old.

Despite his condition, Julius is determined to finish his studies. However, he was forced to drop out of Grade 7 last year when his knees swelled up, making it hard for him to walk.


“He was telling me to let him go back to school this year. But I am too afraid to allow him to do so because he might get sick again. I don’t want to lose him,” said Susana, who is married to Jose, a 54-year-old carpenter and construction worker.

The family has left their house in Bautista, Pangasinan, to stay with Susana’s sister in Taytay, Rizal, while Julius is undergoing 12 cycles of chemotherapy at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center in Quezon City. Julius has four more to go.

He was also scheduled to undergo radiation treatment after the sixth session but it was postponed because his family could not pay P35,000 for the procedure.

Those who want to help with Julius’ medical expenses can contact Susana at 0905-8710613 or 0921-3899208, or deposit their donations in her LandBank account (Susana Garcia/account no. 311605 9982). Santiago R. Alcantara