Scared to speak one’s mind

I was laughing and nearly fell off my chair as I was reading a story about world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao being driven to the ropes by a flurry of jabs, hooks, and uppercut and straight punches from various groups for his comment about homosexuals.

Hala, bay, ayuha ug panagang sa mga bayot ug tomboy (You have to reel from the punches of homosexuals, my friend)!

Pacquiao said two persons of the same sex who copulate are worse than animals.

“Would you see any species of animals engaging in male-to-male, female-to-female (sexual) relations? Animals, then, are better than humans. They know how to distinguish males from females,” said The Champ.

I said I was laughing not because I find his comment outrageous or hilarious—it’s not—but because he’s getting flak for speaking his mind.

Most full-blooded males and females would find sex between two men and two women repulsive.

But they are just too scared to speak their minds.

To gays, lesbians and transgenders: The public understands you because ours is now a tolerant society.

By “public,” I mean the majority of the population, that is straight or heterosexual.

But being tolerant doesn’t mean our society encourages same-sex marriage or passionate kissing between two men or two women in the open.

If most Filipinos are scandalized by straight couples kissing passionately in public, more so gay couples petting in public.

They find the latter an abomination.

Please do your thing in the privacy of your bedroom.

You cannot and should not impose your homosexual norms on a society which is still “primitive” by your standards.

If you can’t stand our primitive society that frowns upon same-sex marriage, you should migrate to the United States and Europe where most states now allow same-sex marriage.

Please do not display your homosexuality like a badge of honor because it’s not.

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Haven’t you noticed?

Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender have formed themselves into a party-list group led by Danton Remoto, a professor at Ateneo de Manila University.

The public loves gays because, well, they’re happy and gay.

Gays make good entertainers and beauticians.

Many of them are talented and intelligent.

But has the LGBT party-list group ever won in any election? No.

Why? Because our society still can’t accept homosexuality as normal, pardon my saying so.

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And lest I be misconstrued as a bigot, I have many gay friends.

I respect them as much as they respect me.

And we don’t talk about their sexuality.