5 school kids on the way home drown as river overflows

ILOILO CITY, Philippines—The death toll in the drowning of school children in Barotac Viejo town in Iloilo rose to five on Thursday after the recovery of the body of a missing victim.

Residents found Lyka Ilosendo, 8, on Thursday morning along a river in Barangay De la Peña, said Senior Police Officer 4 Rolito Serofia, deputy chief of the Barotac Viejo police station.

Ilosendo was among five children, who were swept by rampaging waters when Nagpana River overflowed onto the bridge they were crossing.

The four others were Michael Martinez, 14, and his siblings Mark,12, and Mariel, 7; and Celino Ganancial, 7.

The children, all students of the Nagpana Primary School, were on their way home from school in Barangay Lipata, Barotac Viejo at around 5 p.m. Monday when the tragedy struck.

The bodies of the four children were recovered Monday evening and Tuesday morning.

Education Secretary Armin Luistro went to Barotac Viejo, 64 km north of Iloilo City, late Wednesday and met with the victims’ families.

Barotac Viejo Mayor Niel Tupas III said Luistro offered assistance to the victims’ families and the school.

Tupas said the local government will shoulder the funeral expenses of the victims. The provincial social welfare and development office has also given P5,000 in assistance to each of the victims’ families.