Gov’t vows to do more

EXPECT the government to reach out to more people in the last six months of the administration of President Aquino.

The Palace made this vow Sunday as the campaign for the national and local elections  officially begin next month and culminate in the May election of the successor of President Aquino, among others.

Speaking on government radio, Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said the government was one with the nation in welcoming 2016 with hope  and positive views as shown in the year-end survey of the Social Weather Stations.

“And that’s why every day of the remaining six months of President Aquino’s term, we will step up and widen the reforms in governance that have already been started as well social services and economic programs that will open opportunities to all in keeping with the no one left behind principle,” Coloma said.

He said this was the Palace aspiration in 2016. Christine O. Avendaño