Sexy show stirs storm; LP, Palace not amused

Malacañang on Friday condemned the lewd show at a Liberal Party (LP) event on Thursday that kicked up a storm of public protest even as an online petition demanded an apology from President Aquino, the party’s titular head, for the performance that was widely seen as insulting to women.

The LP leadership also ordered an investigation into the ribald show that Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chair Francis Tolentino allegedly gave as a “birthday gift” to Rep. Benjie Agarao during the event in Santa Cruz, Laguna province.


READ: MMDA’s Tolentino to The Playgirls: I actually asked them to wear skirts

The highlight of the event, which was held at Agarao’s home, was the oath-taking of 80 local officials from Laguna’s fourth congressional district as new LP members.

Former Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, the LP’s presidential candidate in next year’s national elections, administered the oath to the new party members.

LP investigation

Roxas, who left the event before the bawdy performance of the sexy dance group Playgirls started, denounced the show on Friday and promised to investigate the incident, which was caught on video that went viral on social media.

“This is a disappointing incident and the Liberal Party is conducting a thorough investigation,” Roxas said in a statement.

“It is incredibly disrespectful, and contributes nothing to public discourse,” he said, referring to the show.

Roxas also warned party members against holding similar activities during the campaign next year.

“Let me make it clear: My campaign strictly prohibits any sort of exploitative behavior against women,” Roxas said.

“I remind those who stand with us on the daang matuwid (the Aquino administration’s reform program), these actions will not be tolerated,” he said.

Roxas lamented how some groups were trying to pin the blame on him, but expressed confidence that the public was “intelligent enough to focus on meaningful discourse on the issues and on the character of candidates running for public office.”

“Some quarters are purposely trying to tie my name to this performance even if I was not part of the audience,” he said. “I was in a different part of the compound and had no sight line to what was occurring. I did not see the performance.”

Aquino apology demanded

A petition on uploaded on Friday demanded a public apology from the President, being the leader of the LP.

“This unfortunate but deplorable incident merits an apology from your office as Head of State and as Chair of the Liberal Party in whose name, this event was held,” said the petition initiated by one Edna Aquino.

The petition cited Section 19 of Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, which states that “the portrayal of women in a discriminatory, demeaning and/or derogatory manner in advertisements, shows and programs is not allowed.”

“Women should always be portrayed and represented with dignity. Under this Act, your government is duly accountable in fulfilling the State obligations as described by law,” the petition said, addressing President Aquino.

“The entertainment at a Liberal Party oath-taking ceremony and attended by government officials presented women as sexual objects,” the petition said.

As of 4:30 p.m. Friday, the petition had gathered 1,618 signatures.

Sought for comment, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said “the Liberal Party has already stated that they are getting to the bottom of the incident.”

Exploitation of women

But the Palace was obviously angry.

“Women are not objects to be given away as gifts during celebrations. President Aquino has always stood firm against the exploitation of women and will not condone such displays of disrespect,” Valte said.

The petition wants the LP to investigate Roxas, Agarao and Tolentino, a Senate hopeful, as they may “have acted either in acquiescence or as purveyors of this deplorable act.” They “should be investigated and be held liable if proven guilty,” it said.

Agarao apologized for the show in a radio interview on Friday.

Tolentino, who has denied sponsoring the show, could not be reached for comment.

Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, an LP stalwart, told the Inquirer in a text message “that there is no excuse for using scantily clad women for entertainment.”

“That cannot be countenanced,” Abad said.

The three-member Playgirls, clad in boyleg panties and midriff tops, twerked and gyrated before a crowd of about 400, including local officials from the fourth congressional district of Laguna.

The performance was seen by some children and students, some of whom expressed disgust at the show.

The Playgirls also hosted sexually suggestive “parlor games,” inviting men from the audience, making them lie down on the stage, hunching over their faces and gyrating over their noses.

‘Gross insult’

Women leaders of the LP issued a statement on Friday condemning the show as “a gross insult to all.”

“We condemn, in the strongest terms, any and all forms of exploitation of women,” the group said. “This has never been, and will never be, consistent with the values of the Liberal Party, which, throughout the years, has made social equity one of the pillars of its endeavors.”

The statement was signed by Representatives Henedina Abad of Batanes, Josephine Sato of Occidental Mindoro and Kaka Bag-ao of Dinagat Island.

They said the LP and its members had shown them and other women legislators “utmost respect.”

“We know that such gimmickry will not be tolerated by our members and our leadership and we fully support the investigation to unearth the truth behind the incident,” they said.

Senate President Franklin Drilon, LP vice chair, also condemned the show, saying LP members who “fail to prove to the nation that they are good and morally responsible public servants have no place in our ranks.”

Drilon promised a party investigation.

“We will not let the good name of the LP be besmirched with this sorry, isolated incident,” he said.


House ‘reenactment’

But in a joke that may invite more condemnation from the public, Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II proposed a “reenactment” of the show at the House of Representatives.

“There might be a need to have it investigated so that there would be a reenactment in the House,” Gonzales jestingly said in a talk with reporters.

Gonzales, the LP’s parliamentary caucus chair, was apparently unperturbed by the criticisms drawn by the Laguna show.

“Some are saying in the provinces that is really how they campaign. What may be acceptable to them may not necessarily be acceptable in Metro Manila. We were asking each other what happened, and the reply was, ‘Boss, that’s how it is in the provinces,’” Gonzales said.

He noted that Agarao’s birthday party, which came after the oath-taking of the new LP members, was a private gathering.

“That was not [an LP event]. I cannot intervene in how any birthday celebrator runs his private program, and what he wants to do in his party. In the same manner, I cannot stop Speaker (Feliciano Belmonte Jr.) from twerking at his birthday party later tonight,” Gonzales said.

Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo, Roxas’ prospective running mate, expressed strong displeasure with her fellow Liberals involved in the Laguna show.

“There should be no space in our party for any activity that demeans the rights and dignity of women,” Robredo said.

‘Really demeaning’

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, expected to be one of the LP’s senatorial candidates next year, joined the condemnation of the Laguna show.

“It’s really demeaning, it’s appalling, especially when there were children and women [in the audience],” De Lima said in an interview on the fly.

Later, in a text message, De Lima said: “Such casual treatment of the individual dignity of human beings sets back any progress we make in women’s rights and the protection of children. Definitely, whether or not there were children, such an indecent adult show in public deserves censure and condemnation.” With reports from Leila B. Salaverria, DJ Yap and Tarra Quismundo


De Lima questions values of public officials in lewd Laguna show

Erap backs Tolentino senate bid: ‘Nothing immoral’ in Playgirls act